Whether you suspect that you have periodontal needs due to gingivitis or have already been receiving treatment for this condition, we are here to help. Learn more about our periodontics services in Tavernier, FL, today before you schedule an appointment to see our dentist.
About Periodontics Treatments
There are many types of periodontics treatments available at our dental office. Each of these treatments is aimed at solving the issues surrounding the periodontal disease. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that “Periodontal diseases are mainly the result of infections and inflammation of the gums and bone that surround and support the teeth.
In its early stage, called gingivitis, the gums can become swollen and red, and they may bleed.” There is no way to eliminate periodontal diseases once you have contracted them. Therefore, it is essential to seek out periodontal treatment, such as root planing, in order to treat this condition.
Why be Concerned With Periodontal Diseases
The problem with periodontal diseases, such as gingivitis, is that this degrades the gum tissue that holds the teeth in position. Over time, without care, the person who suffers from gingivitis will experience tooth decay and eventually tooth eruption and loss due to the condition. Treatment using various tools and medications, including antibacterial washes, will help slow down the spread of the bacteria associated with periodontal diseases. This will help to reduce gum loss and bleeding gums caused by gum infections and inflammation.
Choosing Periodontics in Tavernier, FL
The easiest way to check for periodontal diseases and to treat these conditions at the onset is with periodontics in Tavernier, FL. Here at our dental office, Florida Keys Dental associates are ready to assist you with treating your particular dental issues. The treatment options we have to include:
- Root planing and scaling to deep-clean the gums of bacteria
- Dental implants to replace teeth
- Gum regeneration services, including soft tissue grafting
- Tray delivery systems for treating periodontal diseases
- Gingivectomy
These services are aimed at helping patients who are currently suffering from the ill effects of infection and disease associated with the teeth and gums. These conditions are most likely due to periodontal disease. While periodontal diseases cannot be cured, there are plenty of services that we offer to reduce the pain and deterioration caused by gum diseases.
Contact Florida Keys Dentists for Treatment of Periodontal Diseases
Come into our sunny Florida Keys Dentists’ office today to start treatment for periodontal diseases. We are ready to work with you or your family members to treat infections and conditions associated with tooth and gum loss. We can also provide you with total dental care, including bi-annual in-depth dental cleanings to combat periodontal concerns. Call us at 305-852-3219 today to set up an appointment with our dental hygienist in Tavernier, FL, for periodontics.